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Boasts, Idols, Stones, and Bones

Joshua’s long goodbye included a prophetic warning about Israel’s inability to keep covenant with God, so the covenant curses would have to come. What can we do, but ask God, on behalf of our children, to send His gifts of faith and repentance? More gifts: the true Yeshua (Jesus), honoring faith of our fathers, and an eternal Priest.

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Covenant History and the Open Heart

In Joshua 24, the aging leader is still saying goodbye (!), but this time it is in context of a covenant renewal, with worship, a historical review of the relationship, and a clear recommitment (with a swearing off of idols). We follow in their train.

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Not One Word Has Failed

Joshua is old; so says Joshua 23. Time to say goodbye. What are five critical concepts this godly, courageous leader will seek to promote when it is time for him to exit the stage? The most important one: The Lord your God continues with you!

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Promises, Promises, … and Deliverance

The 2½ tribes bound to live east of the Jordan River are blessed to go home after being faithful to all Israel in the days of battle. So this altar/monument they built on the West Bank… was it a worthy “witness” to the one true God of all the tribes or a first foray into idolatry?

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Levites: Curse, Challenge, Grace, Life, Blessing

The violent “sins of the fathers” surely impacted the tribal descendants of Simeon & Levi, resulting in “strange” land inheritances. Could God in His grace turn even these hard things into greater blessing, a unique mediating role, and long-term preservation?

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Adopted by God the Father

  •   2/4/2024
  •   Romans 8:14-17, Galatians 4:1-7
  • Preacher: John McFarland
Adoption is one of those great Bible doctrines bringing Christians hope, peace, and comfort… but is there more to glean in this spiritual analogy from Hebrew and Roman patterns of actual adoptions? Yes!

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Precious Details of Promises Delivered, Cont’d

Continued words of motivation from Joshua 13-19 about blessings God’s people can enjoy during seasons of peace. These include opportunities to learn from Godly exemplars, to finish the work & maintain vigilance, and to notice principles of governance that exalt submission & personal dignity.

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Precious Details of Promises Delivered

In today’s sermon, we examine some of the great things a people can enjoy once the land has rest from war, like settling into the very practical blessings God has for us … and greater opportunity to notice an honor mature leaders (like Joshua & Caleb) who have been setting a good example, being fully dedicated to the Lᴏʀᴅ.

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Righteous Rest from Just War

God makes use of both war and peace for His purposes, especially that a good kind of just war is what wins and preserves peace. We see this in the drama of Joshua and in the ministry of the “Greater Joshua,” Jesus Christ.

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