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The Shepherd for Sheep Like Us

Jesus is the perfect Shepherd for sheep like us; we might recognize ‘design’ in the relationship! As such, Jesus knows, leads, feeds, and protects His flock and each member of it. Let us trust, thank, and follow.

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For His Name’s Sake!

Because of the good, great, chief Shepherd that Jesus is, His blessed flock can know eternal peace & provision. Put away the proverbial calm, pastoral scenes; Jesus must be more like a warrior to bring us all the way through … and this He does, for the sake of His own name.

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The Great King is in Session

One of the fifteen “royal psalms,” this one is also the most quoted OT text in the NT, as it reveals a Father/Son conversation in the Godhead and assures us of our King’s absolute rule over all things. In response, we should volunteer freely in His & our days of strength.

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The Lord is My Inheritance & Cup

“A Psalm for the Older Son” asks all readers and singers if the LORD really is enough as our Inheritance and Cup. As the proper Center for a saint’s life, byproducts would include peace, gratitude, and a love for the people of God.

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The Song of the Suffering Servant

This psalm is ‘of David,’ and even more about the greater Son of David, our Lord Jesus … in His unique, vicarious suffering, but also in the victory which arises out of crucifixion. All subsequent history is outlined at the close of this psalm; by grace, maybe you are here too!

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The Lord is Good ~ How and Why?

Jewish tradition called for the singing of “The Egyptian Hallel” at the close of the Passover or Seder. That collection is Psalm 113-118, meaning these themes were on our Savior’s mind as He left the upper room. What can we learn about the inner life of Jesus from this Psalm, explaining the source of God’s eternal mercy to us?

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The One Thing That Is All Things

Does God mind, in our prayers, when we ask Him for “just one [more] thing” … and that becomes a long list of things?! David leads us well here, as long as we recognize, at the end of that list is our desire for God Himself. Ponder why John Bunyan and his “Pilgrim” loved this Psalm too.

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God’s Twin Books of Truth

Psalm 19 features the twin books of revelation through which God makes Himself known to mankind. Both are glorious, one is of higher priority in our fallen world, but they are ultimately in agreement.

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Seven Precepts for Anxious Times

We are living in anxious times, but ALL times include anxieties. How should we live? Daniel 11-12 prophecies most troubling days on an international or even universal scale, yet God gives the prophet seven strong points of hope and help.

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Saved By The Name

David wrote Psalm 54 just as it looked like he would be turned over to Saul by the Ziphites. Yet he still praises God for His faithfulness and offers thanksgiving for his deliverance that had not yet come. In the same way, we can remember God’s past faithfulness, recognize His present faithfulness, and rely on His future faithfulness to deliver us from both death and sin through the ultimate deliverer, Jesus Christ.

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