Sermons by:

Quinn Sloan

Called By Another Name

This passage highlights God’s active work; the hand of the Lord was on His people as the gospel went out. The Lord worked in incredible ways! And do not miss the picture of our identity: Acts 11 is the first time anyone was called a Christian. What once was an insult becomes an identity: We belong to Christ!

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Clean & Unclean, Sacred & Common

Our salvation is in the Lord; God is the one who determines the clean and the unclean, casting our sin far from us because of the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf.

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Saved By The Name

David wrote Psalm 54 just as it looked like he would be turned over to Saul by the Ziphites. Yet he still praises God for His faithfulness and offers thanksgiving for his deliverance that had not yet come. In the same way, we can remember God’s past faithfulness, recognize His present faithfulness, and rely on His future faithfulness to deliver us from both death and sin through the ultimate deliverer, Jesus Christ.

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